being a mom of 4 can sometimes be hectic. like at this time of year when there is so much going on with the school year coming to an end. and realizing that they are growing up, faster than i expected. why didnt it go this fast for me?? i guess to my parents it did, just not to me. and sometimes it amazes me how they have grown and become young adults.
for instance...later today i will be taking amber to the bank to help her open her first account. she is getting a savings account. next week, on her 17th birthday, i am taking her to the dr's. for a physical so she can get her permit and working papers for the summer job she recently got. she will be a junior in high school next year. 17 years went by fast and i am very proud of her accomplishments and the person she is.
then there is kimmie, excuse me, kim. she went to her school formal last night. it was held at a very nice hall. the dance was called the moving up dance, because they are going into high school next year. we bought the dress, got her nails done, and a friend did her hair. she did not look like a 14 year old. more like a beautiful young woman who has grown so fast before my eyes. i waited for her dance to be over inside the hall, it was 11 p.m. and i was tired. but couldn't help but smile when i could hear the music and all the kids singing along to it. (it was "don't stop believing" by journey.) and all of the parents waiting spoke of how they remember that song when they were young. me to. i watched her walk out and give her boyfriend a quick kiss goodnight. ( ahhh, yes on the lips) i manly say ahhh because i can remember her being a little girl who clung to me and followed me everywhere. where did that time go?? i am proud of her as well.
valerie is my 3rd child. she is 11 and in the 5th grade. she was my smallest baby, the princess. now she is grown up to a beautiful young girl who is active in her school. who hasn't missed a day of school in over 2 years. she has lots of friends. and i happen to know there is a boy who has a crush on her. the other day i got a friend request from some one i went to elementary school with. we were val's age in the 5th grade. and it just amazes me i guess that now my daughter is that age. she isnt into all the things my older 2 daughters are. well alomst. but she will get there. i am proud of her too.
last but not least is my little man, joey. i will admit i am having a hard time realizing that even though he is the baby in the family, he is not a baby. he is 9 now and in 3rd grade. well going into 4th shortly. i am trying to stop calling him my baby. be his to big for that. he no longer believes in santa or the easter bunny. and i will again admit that i got misty eyed at that. but he is a big boy now. and even though he isn't dating or going to dances or anything that his big sisters do, he is still growing fast. and im proud of him